Eyelid Lift
Eliminate tired eyes and signs of fatigue, change your life, and get healthy, fresh-looking eyes!
Eyelid lift is a surgical procedure that tightens the eyelids by removing sagging skin and accumulated fat from both the lower and upper eyelids and reshaping them to fit the appearance of the eyes. The surgery, involving the upper and lower eyelids, takes about two hours.
There are also some low-risk side effects such as swelling, which disappears in 1-2 weeks. The effects of the upper eyelid last 5-7 years, while the lower eyelid surgery lasts longer and is rarely performed again.

Some necessary recommendations that patients must follow before eyelid lifting surgery
Undergo the necessary medical tests
Take certain medications prescribed by the doctor that will be helpful during the surgery
Inform your doctor about any medications you are currently taking before surgery
Quit smoking at least one month before surgery
Avoid taking aspirin, NSAIDs, or herbal supplements that can lead to bleeding or swelling at least two weeks before surgery
Refrain from consuming stimulants such as Arabic coffee and alcohol at least 2 weeks before surgery, as they may interfere with anesthesia
Do not drink blood-thinning medications such as green tea, as they may cause severe bleeding and delay recovery
There are some necessary instructions that must be followed after an eyelid lift
Immediately after surgery, use an ice pack on the eye every hour for 10 minutes. Beginning the next day, use 4-5 times during the day
Use eye drops or ointment prescribed by your doctor and clean the eyelids
For one week after surgery, avoid stress and difficult exercises that may delay recovery
Discontinue swimming for at least one week after surgery
Avoid strenuous exercise for at least one week after surgery . Do not smoke
Avoid scratching your eyes
Do not eye lenses for at least two weeks after surgery
Wear dark glasses to protect the eyelids from the sun and wind
When lying down to sleep, keep your head elevated above your chest for several days after surgery
Do not take aspirin, ibuprofen, or other blood thinners or herbal supplements for at least one week after surgery as they may cause bleeding