Get rid of baldness and get a more handsome, attractive look. Trust the experts


Hair transplantation operation is a nonsurgical procedure in which hair follicles are transplanted from the back of the scalp, a donor, to the bald area to be treated.


There are several important tips to follow before undergoing hair transplantation

Avoid smoking for at least two weeks before the process, as it can affect the growth of hair follicles and the outcome of the transplantation

Avoid drinking green tea, as it is a blood thinner and can cause severe bleeding during and after surgery, which is directly related to hair transplant failure

Avoid coffee and stimulants at least 4 days before transplantation, as they affect anesthesia

Eat a healthy and balanced diet before surgery to avoid possible complications during and after procedure

Avoid blood-thinning medications such as aspirin and ibuprofen combinations

If you are using certain medications for certain ailments, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, your health care professional should be aware of these and approve the hair transplant process


There are a series of tips that must be followed after the hair transplant process

A headband should be worn for 48 hours to prevent swelling of the head

Avoid bending the head as much as possible. To avoid swelling around the forehead and eyes, keep the chin parallel to the ground for 3 days

Never wash your hair until 72 hours after the operation

To avoid swelling, the patient must sleep in a semi-vertical position for 5 days, relying on two pillows to lift the head

Swimming in the sea should be avoided for 3 months and swimming in the pool for 2 months

Avoid sunlight, heat and humidity for at least one month and wear a medical hat when going outg

Avoid direct pressure on the scalp when dressing and undressing

Smoking should be avoided for 2 months after the surgery, as it inhibits the growth of hair follicles and leads to hair loss

When washing hair, use medical shampoo and do not rely on chemical shampoos

Continue to take the necessary treatments and medications prescribed by your doctor in order to heal the wound quickly and promote hair follicle growth

Avoid standing directly under rain or dust to avoid harming the transplanted hair follicles

Avoid sexual intercourse (marital relations) for one week

Plasma PRP needles are recommended to be used to strengthen the transplanted hair follicles

It is recommended to undergo a cold laser session to stimulate blood circulation and strengthen the transplanted hair follicles

It is also advisable to take some vitamins which help to enhance the growth of the hair follicles