Now is the time to change your life! Enjoy a toned belly and an attractive, fat-free body!
Abdominoplasty is a completely safe and simple surgical cosmetic procedure. It aims to tighten muscle walls, remove wrinkles, sagging, and skin appendages by removing fat present in the abdomen and waist. There are two ways to perform abdominoplasty. They are
- Partial abdominoplasty is best used when there are skin appendages or sagging in the lower part of the abdomen, below the navel, and when several additional fat blocks are present
- Total abdominoplasty is relied upon in the presence of stiff fat lumps in the entire abdominal area, so the abdominal wall and whole muscles are tightened

There are many tips to follow before undergoing tummy tuck surgery in order to achieve the desired results. They are as follows
Avoid blood thinners such as alcohol, green tea, and vitamin combinations, as they contain vitamins E and A to avoid bleeding during surgery
Avoid drinking stimulants such as caffeine and Arabic coffee, as they make anesthesia less effective
Stop taking blood thinning medications one week before surgery
Eat a healthy, balanced food well in advance of tummy tuck surgery to avoid complications during surgery
Stop smoking for one month, as smoking affects the oxygen levels in the blood and reduces the rate of oxygen needed in the blood for recovery
The doctor will direct some important instructions and the patient should adhere to all instructions and advice for best results, including
Continue to wear a medical abdominal corset for 8 weeks to reduce swelling and speed recovery
Please refrain from hard work and strenuous exercise for up to 2 months
To avoid affecting your recovery, do not smoke for the first 2 months after the surgery
Do not carry heavy objects for 8 weeks to avoid tissue damage
Avoid using moisturizing creams on the abdomen and lower back to avoid allergies
Sleep in a certain curved position as directed by the doctor according to the patient’s condition. Avoid sleeping in a flat position
Women should avoid pregnancy altogether after the Tummy Tuck procedure
Avoid swimming for at least two months
Care should be taken not to remove the tubers for one week to remove all fluid from the abdomen